Consortium Members
Hear how the International Consortium has helped our members succeed:

“Accomplishing our research goals would be a challenge without the Consortium, especially when integrating students into our various field and laboratory efforts. The Consortium allows us to bring NC State students and faculty to the Galapagos in a financially and logistically sustainable way.”
Greg Lewbart, NC State University

“Working in the Galapagos archipelago can often be complex. But as a member of the International Galapagos Science Consortium, research and teaching runs smoothly. The infrastructure at the GSC is modern and high-quality, allowing researchers to do their jobs sampling, processing, and managing data. The office space, wet and dry labs, along with nearby teaching facilities, enable seamless progress in research and teaching operations.”
Mike Kingsford, James Cook University

“I chose to undertake my research project with the University of Sunshine Coast due to the International Galapagos Science Consortium! The investment from the University means I get to use the amazing facilities, resources, and support without taking on excessive costs from within my own grant funding. The most essential resource provided by the Galapagos Science Center is the in-community support for logistics and permitting.”
Alice Skehel, University of the Sunshine Coast